Jumat, 26 Juni 2009

Rapot ?

Rapot ?damn nilai gw jelek .. Gw ranking 8.cuih cuih kelas gua emang saingan yang beratttt ,sebenernya nih nilai gua cuman beda tipis ama yang dapet rangking satu (bo'ong),ya akhirnya gua ngalah lah ama yang lain kan gua mahluk sosial eaea,dan akhirnya gua mencoba memotivasiin diri gw dengan lantang:
gw:gw rangking 8
geo:sabar ye lal..uda bagus daripada gua apaan
gw:iye,bener,gak pa pa gua rangking 8 !lo liat ajah keajaiban dunia ajah cuman ada tujuh gak punya lapan kan !berarti lapan tuh lankah !yang dapet rangking lapan di kelas ajah cuman gua kan!berarti gua hebat wkakakak
geo:ok stop lal ,lebay banget lu.
yah walau gak bagus2 amat kan yang penting gua sudah kerja keras(eaea)
ntar kaya mira yang ngaku dibayarin m**za untuk dapet rangking lima

btw,ini list nilai gua di rapot:
Agama 8.6
Pkn 7.9 (saya memang bukan warga negara yang baik ckckck)
B.indo 8.3
b.inggris 8.4
math 8.4
biology kimia 77 (apaan nih ?gua dah belajar mati2an)
Fisika 70 (jaah memble)
geografi 79
ekonomi 76 (gua gak bisa2 ngitung2)
sejarah 8.2
seni budaya 80
penjaskes 8.7
Tik 88
PLKJ 8.7
Al-quran 8.2
b.perancis 8.1

tapi kalo kaya gini nilainya,gimana nasib gua ?
ntar kalo gw dimarahin bonyok, diusir dr rumah terus ga dianggap anak terus dituduh anak pungut gara2 mereka malu punya anak kekurangan gizi, pemalas, dan suka makan pizza
ini yang tidak bisa dibanggakan ?oke itu lebay wakkaka
ok dah yang penting gua gak dapet nilai 6 di rapot
dan yang paling penting gua naek kelas

Kamis, 18 Juni 2009

cuma mimpi

damn lusa dah pensi, gw bntar lgi dah mau pindah sekolah :( ..
eh gw masa kmren mimpi jadi nak kelas 3 terus dah mau lulus,wakakka
coba klo beneran ya psti lusa gw dah jdi kayak gini

(hayalan tingkat tinggi ...huakakzzz.silahkan tertawa)

Selasa, 16 Juni 2009

Gadget dget dget dget

arkk kamvret..laptop pengen di gampar sering restart2 sendiri. hp error ntah kenape ga bisa nelpon ga bisa sms ga bisa nerima telpon(hp mulai cari rusuh),psp kadang mati2 sendiri ampe akhirnya gw banting ke lantei

Minggu, 14 Juni 2009

Goodbye And Hello

The same thing happen all the time, new kids come in the picture to replace the ones that left us behind, everyone got along perfectly, people acted goofy, wacky, and happy and no one shed a single tear. But as the end of semester grew nearer, everyone was dreading…not because of the exams or report cards….that wasn’t on all our minds. The thing was…. When we moved to another grade, mixed up friends so they won’t be together any more but with a butch of strangers that never got along. When that finally came, we all said our goodbyes n said have a nice holiday. Every single day that past we say,’ holiday is almost over…here we go again’. The freedom of no homework comes to haunt us again but seeing a friend will fix everything. Entering the school building, you feel like a new kid all over again. Feeling a little out of place for a while till you see your best buds and give a hug or fives. Walking up those stairs, looking down that long hall way, seeing those doors closed hanging all the names that proves if your prayers have been answered. You feel fear of being separated by you friends; you take a breath and look. You don’t care about others, but yours and your buds. Some time you are together but one or more are leaving to the other side of the wall. Every person that walks through those doors you say,’ Why you! Why can’t be someone else!’ or ‘I wish I was in the other class,’ but beggars can’t be choosers. As the first bell rings, things go silent for a while. You want to say something…anything to break the silent but nothing. Over time people will be more comfortable and relax a bit. Now the real adventure begins...but not the way you thought will turn out to be.
When you thought everything was going great, someone just had to pull the breaks. You seen everything that happens that you wish you were back home or grade 7 again.
Enemies were made
Friendship was push to the limits
Happiness replace with anger
Bonds we broken
Lies became stronger
Truth was fading
Stress took over everything that was easy
People are changing before our eyes that brings the common,’ what happen to you?’
The happy music that kept playing through your life before stop and you were left in complete and total silence. Sometimes you wonder what went wrong, how the smile that you had before was gone and you really don’t know why.
But one day everything turns around…. You enter the school thinking its going to be a terrible day (again). Yet the air feels lighter, the sun seems brighter and that music starts playing again. You run hoping this is no dream, you open the doors and you heart stops beating.
Enemies were friends again
Friendship made it through
Happiness showed again
Bonds were fixed
Truth became stronger
Lies was losing the battle
Everything became clearer again
People are changing before your eyes, but the one who change the most was you and you didn’t realize till someone said,’ I know I’ve change but you did also…’
Hearing this brought that old smile to you face again that you thought you lost forever. People you thought you never get along with cause you guys don’t have nothing in common, became best buds the next day. You bump into a stranger in the hall which ends up being the one you go to for some advice or make you laugh, you join the school team meeting so many people that have so many stories to tell and you being the listener, friendship were made with teachers with a big heart that they let you have party or free class once in a while, boys and girls got along with each other and they don’t care what people or teacher say (they been through this before), so many amazing stories that you done with your long time friend or someone brand new. Even though we are separated to two classes and the only thing blocking us is the big wall. Until you hear the bell ring, and burst out of your classroom. You see all the new and old faces again and tell/listen to all the things that happen in their/your day. When a bond is made nothing or no one can break it. Not now or ever. Even if I’m a A and your a B or in a different grade it doesn’t make a difference. People will come into your life while others will leave but the memories will still be attached. And when your on top of the world your realize exam is around the corner (again). The same thing runs through you mind like always, but this time all the friends you made will be together again even if in different classrooms. People will leave.One story has ended and a new one is beginning with more kick in it than the last time. Grade 7 was great but I say grade 8 was way better and I hope that grade 10 will kick grade 8 and 7 memories out of the waters. All this will be a memory that will be locked away in our heads and hearts for a very VERY long time.

Jumat, 12 Juni 2009

Jumat dan semua hal yang mengangu

Hello guys,skrng  tgl 12 juni 2009 dan hari ini hari jumat. nah penderitaan gw dimulai dari suatu pagi hari yang sangat cerah...gw bangun jam 4:30 subuh lalu akhirnya sholat ,terus makan, terus minum,terus chatting,terus tidur lagi 
Jadi pada pagi itu dianterin ke sekolah pas jam yg mepet2...lagian kan hari jumat kan hari yg gak terlalu macet di setiap kota metropolitan(biasanya). nah terus mobil jalan ampe ke jalan tol yg bebas hambatan itu pada pukul 06:30 atau 06:31 atau 06:32 (terserahlah)dan tiba-tiba langsung terjadi hal yang tidak diinginkan...
gw langsung rada shock...ga bisa gerak ga bisa ngomong
gw:yaaah peci ketinggalan lagi....gara" nonton pilm horor autis kmren ampe jam 1 malem..wah mampus gw klo dah nympe sekolah
langsung mikir ...berdoa supaya bu sri nggak masuk gara-gara dapet prestasi guru teladan dari diknas secara mendadak ato ada sodaranya kawinan(apalah -.-).
gw:adoohh gimana nih arkkk
akhirnya gak tau gimana lagi ngorek-ngorek isi mobil bagian belakang kali aja ada peci bokap ketingalan
dan ..

gw nemuin 1 peci hitam berukuran 9 bermerek pesona dengan keadaan 99% masi bagus tanpa lecet sekalipun(apadah)

tanpa pikir panjang langsungnoh peci colongan gw masukin tas..eh terus terus gw malah ketiduran di mobil ( -,- )

(ketika peci bokap menyelamatkan hidup gw)
nah terus kan dah ampe sekolah ..pas gw lagi jalan naek ke atas..gw liat ada 1 mahluk lagi ketawa.gw perhatiin ternyata si harris lagi ketawain mirza.
gw:nape lu ?
si haris gak jawab di malah ketawa sambil ngeliat ke arah sepatu mirza
langsung mata gw arain ke sepatunya mirza
eh terus gw ketawa ngakak gak berenti liatnya ampe mau cepirit(?)
nah terus habis gw puas ketawa gw jalan ke kelas masuk kelas duduk di kelas ngobrol ke kantin makan yang banyak (huakak) bla bla bla
ampe akhirnya ada suara maut mengangu hidup gw"WOI JALAL MC DI ATAS"
dengan sabar dan bermokad tekad yang lemah gw naik ke atas latian mc..
di atas dah ada dita ma machan ama miss putri ..
nah gw dpet mc bgian bhsa ingris (aseekk)
terus si dita dapet mc bhsa.indo
dan terkahir si machan dapet mc bhsa .prancis (rasain lu)
terus kite latian ampe 1 jam an geto..
eh pas terkahir miss putri nyuruh gw ngapalin naskahnya katanya mau di tes hari senen..
dalem hati gw ngomong "mampus gw arkkk"
jaaaahhhhhh jadinya sabtu ama minggu waktunya buat ngapalin noh naskah -,-

Kamis, 11 Juni 2009

8 pic

Sangking gw gak da kerjaan lagi akhirnya gua ngerjain ginian :

1.A place i'd like to travel to

Beijing ..huakaks...

2.a favourite place

saya suka makan :P best giler

3. favorite food

pizza .gak bisa idup tanpa ini..wekekek

4. favourite thing

duit ,siapa yang gak suka duit ?sini buat gw ajah klo gk suka..wkakak

5. favourite colour

putih biar gak dikira genderuwo

6. where i was born

Jakarta my home town - - Persija wee


makan makan dan makan wkakak gak da hal penting lain selain itu

8. wishlist

dapet a+ semua pelajaran...wakakak dalem mimpi

thats all lah...wakakk

Rabu, 10 Juni 2009

Hello People I'm Jalal

Hhalo halo. Terimakasih sudah berkunjung ke goblog gwBig Grin

Berhubung ini masih post pertama, mari kita gunakan untuk basa basi terlebih dahulu

sebenernya gw sama sekali gak bisa yang namanya menulis. Boro-boro nulis blog, orang alphabet dari a ampe z ajah kaga apal.huaks

Maka, bermodalkan tekad yang kuat serta tanya sana-sini dan ngintipin blog orang, gw bikin ini blog. Kalo isinya jelek dan sama sekali tidak bermutu gak usah diliat lah soalnya gw juga gak mau kok lo liatin (?)

btw,mau liat yg punya blog ini ?ni dia fotonya ,so parti lo kenal gw,kan gw terkenal di dunia international geto deh.huakak

wakakakka, udah ye Sekian dulu basa-basinya.BYE BYE