Rabu, 27 Januari 2010


Just check my mail. surprised with one new mail .got an inspiring mail ,

it goes like this.

When something happens to you - Good or Bad; Consider what it means.

There’s a purpose to life’s events, to teach you how to laugh more or not to cry too hard.

When you feel down because you didn’t get what you want, just sit tight and be happy.

God has thought of something better to give you.

Selasa, 12 Januari 2010

High School

I've realized that i miss my old time .

Back when i was at junior high school .

Back when life was easy .

Back when i feel everyday is sunday .

Back when we laught together .

Back when everything seems to be perfect .


We've all gotta grown up .

And life really passes by so fast .

Its link in a blink of an eye I graduated from junior high school .

Its like a rocket .

life is constantly changing .

And once i entered the high school .

There are a lot of problems and challenges .

And it complicated .

I hate everything about high school .

I cant even start to think about where to start writing about all the things that suck at high school .

I hate wake up in the morning to go to that school .

When people say that you should enjoy your high school because you will miss it in the future ,


I will not miss my high school .

I cant wait until i graduated to college .

I mean 1 years from now on .

Argh it still a long time .

I hate high school and if i could get home schooled i really would .

I never laught like i used too .

Everyone at high school laughs and jokes together .

Sometime i laught ,

But deep inside I feel empty.

Nothing is funny to me .

I may miss my grade 7 and grade 8 years because those were my most fun years .

Sabtu, 09 Januari 2010

Report Card

ReportCard = Big Boss

Kalo gua jadi einstein terus nerima repotcard apa yg terjadi ?yap,pasti bakal seneng ketawa ngakak ampe mulut berbusa , pamer lebai kagak jelas terus langsung kayang deket jalan tol.
wkakakk ngayal .
tapi ini ceritanya beda muter 360 derajat.
nilai gua bener2 minta dikubur idup2,otak gua semester ini kayaknya kagak jalan baru jalan beberapa persen -,- , semester ini rapot gua gak ada nilai 8 dan gak ada nilai 4,kebanyakan nilai 6 berserta kawan2nya -__-

Tebak nilai gua yg paling jelek apaan ?MATH ,math gua parah dapet 5,2 .gua dari dulu emng gak jago di math ,gua inget waktu tu pas sd pernah ditanya ama guru math "1+1 berapa jalal ?"terus gua jawab dengan muka bloon "11 bu" -_-
ckckck parah banget nilai gua semester ini mana gua rangking 17 dari 24
parahbangetdah dari rangking 8 jadi 17 -,-
dan DAKDIKDUKDUEER nilai gua kalo di total 6,9 dan itu benar2 minta dibakar pake gas elpiji.